The Honours, Inc. scholarship furthered my life in more ways than I would have thought. My scholarship aided me in my pursuit of a UW-Madison education. However, I found that what has benefitted me more is the lesson I learned from Honours, Inc.; determination and hard work, as well as helping those in the community, makes success achievable and more rewarding. As a student pursuing a business degree, this lesson is imperative for ethical business practices. For that reason, Honours, Inc. has truly given me a foundation for success that I can build upon in all my future ventures. Thank you.
Forrest Koslowski
2014 Graduate
Named Scholarships
A new contribution to Honours, Inc. of at least $25,000 or the completion of donations totaling $25,000 is required for a named scholarship to be established. The named scholarship is awarded from a portion of the earnings, so the scholarship is self-perpetuating. Join our wonderful list of Named Scholarship Donors!
Allen & Anna Lou Becker
Allenton Area Advancement Association
Associated Bank
Beth Becker-Olsen
Bob & Sherry Schaefer
Brendan Dobson Memorial - Owl Pride
Brian Priestaf
Craig S. & Rachel Wolf
Dana L. Toraason Memorial
Dave & Christine Schellinger
Dave & Lori Gutbrod Advantage Research
David & Jeannette Schwarz Family
Donald & Gene Mechenich Memorial
Donna & Jim Saltz
Doug & Sharon Ziegler
Dr. John D. Riesch
Dr. Kenneth & Annemarie Prefontaine Memorial
E.H. Wolf Family
Earl & Ruth Schilling Family
Edward H. & Minette A. Wolf
Forte Bank
Frank & Sherry Gundrum
Frank Novotny
Gerald A. Sr. & Lucille Lofy
Gerry & Heidi Lofy
Hank Karius
Hansen Family
Honours, Inc. Community Scholarship
James & Loren Hassinger
Jean Happel
Jeffrey & Joyce Hollett
Joan R. & Peter D. Ziegler Family
Joanne O'Dwyer Memorial
Jody K. Waldhart Memorial
Joe Wikrent
John & Sue Krebs
Kada Bush
Ken & Marilyn Reiser
Kermit & Ruby Miller
Kevin F. Bacon & Lynne Matthias
Kreilkamp Trucking
Kurt & Linda Kleinhans Family
Leonard W. & Mary F. Coulson
Luis & Iris Garcia
Marilyn Zuern Memorial
Mark R. And Jane E. Kuechler
Mike & Lynne Patenaude
Nancy Schilling-Genz
Oscar & Carolyn Kraft
Paul & Susan Wolf Family
Peter & Amelia Theisen Memorial / Roth Family
Rachel, Max (Chelsea), and Mitchel Gutbrod
Raymond F. and Rose Krebs
Richard & Beverly Krebs
Richard & Marilyn Mayer Family
Richard Nowicki Memorial
Rick & Julie Vandermause
Riesch Family
Robert & Audrey Nehm
Robert & Beverly Johnson
Roman & Kristine Weninger Family
Ron & Marilyn Rueckl
Roy & Laura Wolf
Russ & Cecilia Nehm
Sharon & Robert Donath
Slinger Advancement Association
Slinger High School Football/Basketball
Slinger/Allenton Rotary Club
Stanley Sprehn
Ted Kern Family
Terry & Mary Krall Family
Tim & Brad Wiedmeyer
Tom & Shirley Gundrum
West Bend Mutual Insurance
William & Marilyn Rasmussen
William G. Storck
William Holtan Memorial
Winifred & James Dickinson Memorial
Ziegler Family Foundation
Types of Gifts to Honours
Honor/Memorial Contributions
An honor or memorial gift is a meaningful way to celebrate someone important to you. Your honoree or family will receive notification of your thoughtful gift.
Alumni Donations
Several classes have elected to make contributions to Honours, Inc. Alumni donations may be applied towards an established fund designated for a specific class.
Matching Gifts Program
Many companies will match the value of charitable gifts made by employees. Contact your company’s Human Resources office to find out if your employer has a matching gifts program. Please indicate your company’s name when you return your donation card.
Gifts of Property
Make a gift of securities, property, or other marketable securities. Click here for more details.
Honours Inc. Donor Wall
The gym lobby at Slinger High School is the home of a growing Honours Inc. Donor Wall. The wall lists the names of all donors who have contributed $1,000 or more to the fund. Names are repositioned or added to the wall each Fall as donors reach the $1,000 donation mark or move to the next level. Many visitors to the school view the wall and comment on the support the Slinger School District residents provide for their youth.